Monday, December 24, 2012


How can I smiling fly
Into eyes shattered
And keep my heart dry,
Where your tears
Should nestle here
And find rest from fear?

How can I, singing, sight
Your waning heartlight
Yet glide on like a careless kite
When my shoulders
Bowed beneath your boulder,
Should be your upholder?

How can I curiously touch
The mournful diamonds on your face
And shake them off with no such
Tenderness as treasures them in God’s vase?

When comes the dawn
Like blushing bride
Of time un-terrified
Sorrow will be gone

But until night is washed away
From day’s own shore
Awake, my heart…this throbbing, aching fray,
Your brother’s pain; take as yours…

2 Sunbeams:

Petra said...

Do you realize how outstandingly beautiful this talent is, that you have? Such humility, such care, and such wisdom is found in your poetry. Your heart speaking love to all the rest of us! God bless you, my dear sister. You are precious to me.

Hannah Terrell said...

My dearest friend. Thank you for your encouragement! I love you so much. :)