Friday, August 31, 2012

Agere Vitam!

Life is an amazing miracle, isn’t it? Sometimes, I forget that no matter how hard some days can be, God gave this life to me as a gift. Lately, I’ve been learning that every complaint I make about something that frustrated me or a person that’s reeeaaally been trying my patience, is a slap in God’s face. Right now I’m thinking about all the blessings that are a part of my life.

I have a family. Ok, that sounds corny and obvious, but so many people and children around the world either have no living relatives or no supportive nuclear family. In my family, I find support and encouragement, and learn things that will make me a better person. I don’t need to travel far to find opportunities to serve either. Many chances are right here, existing in the people that have known me since my first cry. If I can’t effectively serve and support my parents and sister, how can I expect to be a great wife, mother, or servant of God?

Friends have been such a blessing. Especially one young lady whom I have known for over 5 years. Last year, I got to help with her lovely wedding to a great guy, and this year, I’m will soon get to meet her very first little girl! She’s been supportive and encouraging, and has exhorted me to grow in Christ. We’ve cried together, laughed together, and worked through some conflicts too. Our enduring friendship gives me hope!

This morning, at about 6:30 a.m., I went out to say hi to my puppy, Kirby. We’ve relocated her from the porch into a large enclosed run, so she’s been missing me. You should have seen her face! She stood up on her hind legs, tail and bottom wiggling frantically, and her front paws were reaching for me. What a blessing to have a sweet little dog with boundless energy!

Even though I haven’t found a way to do college yet, God has supplied many learning opportunities and chances to serve. So maybe I’ll never get my B.A. in early childhood development or Accounting, but through life experience, God is building me for a purpose. Though, I do feel envious sometimes that so many my age are getting the knowledge and job opportunities that go with college, this is one of those areas where I’m just going to do my best and let God decide the outcome. This chance to trust and submit myself to His will is a blessing in disguise.
I get to teach at a preschool. Everyday I hold a newborn baby or read the Bible with another 4 year old, I thank God for the gift of life, which every day is growing and being shaped in the hearts and minds of these kids.
Thank you so much for reading this post. It probably wasn't amazingly informative, but writing about my blessings really helps me keep my eyes peeled for more!

3 Sunbeams:

PrincessR said...

Hey Hannah!!

Good blog post. :) I don't ever tire of hearing about families being a blessing. They are and they are a major part of our lives!!! They should be listed first!!!

Hmm, a slap in God's face. interesting thought. Makes you start to think twice before you moan about life. Thanks for the thought.

Have a wonderful weekend. :)

Lilac Bud Gal said...

This was such a wonderful post, Hannah!!! We've really missed y'all and I was just thinking that I needed to email or call to see what y'all were up to. So, this was a fun update. :) It is neat to see God's blessings in your life. And yes, I agree! Writing about them helps to keep you even more focused. I don't think I do it enough, so maybe I ought to start it up again... :) God bless!!!

Petra said...

Dear Hannah,

Something I’ve realized lately is that it’s the seemingly ordinary, everyday things that matter most—family, daily experiences and lessons.

I’m thinking that while my life may not grow into what I might call my dream, it will be what God wants it to be as long as I follow Him with humility and joy.

Those everyday things are what builds the person and the life, and when one realizes that, they become so much more than “ordinary.” They are SPECIAL. Just as you are special, dearie.

You’re my closest friend, and I do appreciate your wisdom. You have made a huge difference in my life, and in the lives of many others even though they might not realize it now. God bless you!