Picture this.
You are about to become a new mom. The nursery is decorated; the bottles, burp cloths, and strollers are ready for action. Then, you go into labor and bring your baby into the world in an ambulance en route to the hospital.
Guess what comes next. Coos, snapshots, and deciding which parent the baby most resembles? Nope. That's too old fashioned. Are you ready to watch child protective services invade your hospital room and snatch your child from your arms. Prepared to undergo accusations and interrogation?
This picture became reality for Scott and Jodi Ferris. Read their story here. HSLDA | Newborn Seized in Hospital by Police, Social Worker
The U.S. government continues to turn from its family centered roots. For those with a heart for a Godly home, there is perhaps no greater priority at present than to make our voices heard on situations such as the one told of in this article.
Remember, all it takes for evil to triumph is for 'good men' to do nothing.
The Gifts We Don't Notice
10 years ago